
Any person who contacts CONCERN Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can do so with complete assurance that their contact and the nature of their problems will remain confidential. There are specific state statutes which protect a client’s right to privacy. The parameters of confidentiality and the specific circumstances when a counselor may breach it (i.e., disclosure of abuse to a child, an elderly person or a disabled person, or an imminent threat of harm to self or others) are explained during the initial session. A client company receives quarterly utilization reports which give only the number of employees or household members who have requested assistance. These reports contain no information which could possibly identify a particular person who has contacted the CONCERN EAP.

When an employee is referred to CONCERN EAP by an authorized supervisor as part of a corrective action plan for work performance deficiencies, the CONCERN EAP counselor will obtain the client’s written consent to verify his or her initial contact, continuing participation and observed cooperation with the suggested treatment or referral plan. No additional information concerning the client’s problem(s) or treatment will be released without the employee’s written consent.

We recognize that complete assurance of confidentiality is the cornerstone of a trustworthy and well-utilized Employee Assistance Program. Employees simply will not utilize an EAP if there is any chance that information concerning their personal problems could get back to their employers and, therefore, confidentiality will always be strictly protected.

Utilization Reports

CONCERN EAP reports the number of individuals accessing employee assistance services for training, consultation, counseling and referral purposes. CONCERN EAP will not provide employee names or reason(s) for participation.